-----Original Message-----
Does anyone know of a method of toggling between
checkboxes? For example if the user checks the checkbox -
"Whole Day" then checks the Checkbox "1/2 Day" the
checkbox Whole Day will automaticall be unchecked.
Hi Maria,
the easiest way to achieve this is using the control
wizard when you place an option group control on your
form. The option group will have the effect that you
require. This assumes that you have a single field that
stores that response.
Where you have for some reason (usually poor design)
created more than one field to store alternate values you
can use the following as an example.
private sub chkWholeDay_AfterUpdate()
chkHalfday=not chkWholeDay
end sub
Just reverse this for the other checkbox.
As an asside, convention suggests that checkboxes are
independant. That is users can select one or more option.
Radio button/option buttons are usually dependant. That
is users can only select one.