Check your piggy-banks


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
The old "round pound" coin will cease to be legal tender on Sunday 15th October, so time to check the piggies, and give the wallet-moths some freedom.

Some shops say they will still accept old coins until the end of the month. Others have still not updated their trolleys to accept the (threepenny-bit style) new coins... that should cause a bit of trolley-rage, I'm guessing. :nod:

Huffington Post news article HERE.
We think that we've cleared all of our old ones out. But, of course, more will turn up. :D

Still have a couple of old florins, found after they went out of circulation. :D
None here! I hate coins at the best of times and try and avoid them at all costs. I actually use Android Pay or card almost all the time now.

It still frustrates me when I say I'll pay by phone and its over £30 and the cashier looks at me and says 'you cant do that' - I then have to have the awkward geeky conversation explaining to them how actually you can pay up to £100 via AP as long as you authenticate it. Makes me feel like such a nerd! :lol:
I had two left so bought a lotto ticket for this evening with them.

Only change I use are pound coins, everything else goes into a money box and when it's built up enough into the auto pay-in machine at the bank.
Cor, that wasn't long - I've still got some left :eek:.

Off to the shops tomorrow for a treat lunch I think :thumb:.