Check to see if subtotal is expanded

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maver1ck666
  • Start date Start date


I've had a quick search and couldn't seem to find anything on this so
hopefully you can help :)

I have a spreadsheet with a number of subtotals with a second tier. I also
have a button to add a new sub task to a tier 1 group. For example:

Task A
Sub Task a.1 value
Sub Task a.2 value

Task B
Sub Task b.1 value
Sub Task b.2 value
Sub Task b.3 value
Sub Task b.4 value

Task C
Sub Task c.1 value

The command button provides a usercontrol which displays the tier 1 tasks
with a blank text box to add a new item. What I need is for some code to
check that the tier 1 task isn't collapsed before it inserts a line and if it
is, to expand it.

Any suggestions please?

Thanks all!

If you mean to display all outline levels; try the below

Sub Macro4()
Dim lngRow As Long, varOLevel As Variant
For lngRow = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
If Rows(lngRow).OutlineLevel > varOLevel Then
varOLevel = Rows(lngRow).OutlineLevel
End If
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels varOLevel
End Sub
Cheers for that Jacob. It kinda works but expands all the lists as opposed to
just the one the cursor is at. Any ideas please?
