Check to see if entire string is UpperCase?

  • Thread starter Thread starter msnyc07
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I know I can check if an individual character is uppercase If X Like "[A-Z]"
but is there a way to check if a string of indeterminate length is all
if ucase(myStr) = mystr then
'it looks the same as uppercase

But if your string looks like:

myStr = "7!@#$_-==--"

Then upper/lower case doesn't really make sense.

I know I can check if an individual character is uppercase If X Like "[A-Z]"
but is there a way to check if a string of indeterminate length is all
The Like operator allows wildcards...

If Not X Like "*[a-z]*" Then
' X does not contain any lower case letters which
' doesn't mean every letter is an upper case letter...
' there could be punctuation marks or blanks
' X does not contain any lower case letters
End If
msnyc07 said:
I know I can check if an individual character is
uppercase If X Like "[A-Z]" but is there a way
to check if a string of indeterminate length is all

Both of the of following should work, assuming s is String and isUCase is
Boolean. I don't know which is more efficient.

isUCase = (s Like "*[A-Z]*" And Not s Like "*[a-z]*")

isUCase = (s = UCase(s) And s <> LCase(s))

Note that these return False for a string without any uppercase character.
' X does not contain any lower case letters which
' doesn't mean every letter is an upper case letter...
' there could be punctuation marks or blanks

The above comment should have read this way (with the correction shown in
upper case)...

' X does not contain any lower case letters which
' doesn't mean every CHARACTER is an upper case letter...
' there could be punctuation marks or blanks

Rick (MVP - Excel)

Rick Rothstein said:
The Like operator allows wildcards...

If Not X Like "*[a-z]*" Then
' X does not contain any lower case letters which
' doesn't mean every letter is an upper case letter...
' there could be punctuation marks or blanks
' X does not contain any lower case letters
End If

Rick (MVP - Excel)

msnyc07 said:
I know I can check if an individual character is uppercase If X Like
but is there a way to check if a string of indeterminate length is all
I know I can check if an individual character is uppercase If X Like "[A-Z]"
but is there a way to check if a string of indeterminate length is all

Just to throw this out in case one uses 'Option Compare'

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

Sub Demo()
Dim s
s = "abC"

'True, but not correct
Debug.Print UCase(s) = s

Debug.Print SameQ(s, UCase(s))
End Sub

Function SameQ(s1, s2)
SameQ = StrComp(s1, s2, vbBinaryCompare) = 0
End Function

= = = = = = =
HTH :>)
Dana DeLouis