check to see if a cell is blank if not populate adjacent cell wit.



Hello need help with a formuala. In a spreadsheet I want to check and see
iif a cell contains text, if so, I want to populate an adjacent cell with the
current date. If the cell is blank I dont want to do anything... Thanks.

David Biddulph


You haven't said what you want to do if the cell contains a number (which is
not text and not blank).
If you want the current date for any entry (text or number), then try



Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately the formula only returned the word
"FALSE", which is incorrect as there is some text in the cell. Text or no
text the result is always the word "False".

To answer your first question, I dont care if its text or numbers, as long
as its populated I would like to populate the adjacent cell with todays date.

T. Valko

Post the *exact* formula that is returning FALSE. Neither one of David's
formulas will return FALSE!

Fred Smith

You didn't enter the formula correctly. For you to get a result of "false", you
put a closing bracket in the wrong place. Compare what you entered to David's
formula, and correct any errors.

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