Donna riser
Some great info for those needing to know if FREEWARE is actually free.
Donna said:Some great info for those needing to know if FREEWARE is actually free.
msd13 said:That was the link, not stupid just hasty I bet...
Donna did you know you can cancel messages in Outlook Express ? Quote:
I couldn't get over how quickly that page loaded - in literally no timeSome great info for those needing to know if FREEWARE is actually
Donna, did you know that most servers don't honor cancels, any more?
msd13 said:On 30 Jun 2003 00:34:45 GMT, Blinky the Shark <[email protected]>
Off topic, *should* have been posted to verizon.discussion-general ,
Blinkys obnoxious post forwarded to (e-mail address removed) (I suggest in
future you do your research before throwing accusations about so
freely. See: http://members.verizon.net/~vze35w7d/usenet.htm ... "Do
not personally attack or harass other newsgroup participants. Keep
post on topic, if necessary move to another group. Please note,
"Off topic, *should* have been posted to verizon.discussion-general ,
Blinkys obnoxious post forwarded to (e-mail address removed) (I suggest in
future you do your research before throwing accusations about so
freely. See: http://members.verizon.net/~vze35w7d/usenet.htm ... "Do
not personally attack or harass other newsgroup participants. Keep
post on topic, if necessary move to another group. Please note,
Verizon does not monitor any unsupported Verizon newsgroups, but
reserves the right to do so at *any time*. Verizon reserves the
*right* to change/amend these guidelines, *anytime* *without prior
Attack and harrass? All I did was let her know that most servers don't
honor cancels. You seem to have an odd definition of "attack".
I don't understand your beef.
Yeah, it seems pretty nonsensical, doesn't it?
msd13 said:On 30 Jun 2003 20:23:16 GMT, Blinky the Shark <[email protected]>
And you have an odd definition of "honour".
There wasn't one, it just seemed funny at the time. Sorry.
Most servers don't *process* cancels; i.e., they don't remove the post;
i.e., the cancelation does not take place.
That's exactly what I meant and said: they don't *honor* the
*cancelation message* (by *acting* upon it). No different than if a
store won't *honor* a discount coupon from another store; i.e., you
can't cash in that coupon there.
If that still doesn't make sense, you can look up "honor". Many words
have more than one definition.
And for that, you send a complaint to Verizon? I think you have an odd
definition of "proportion". Especially when this was all about you not
knowing a common sense of the word "honor", and/or how that part of
Usenet happens to work.
Thanks for the apology. Will you be sending a retraction of your
complaint to Verizon?
msd13 said:On 1 Jul 2003 01:09:36 GMT, Blinky the Shark <[email protected]>
In this case the store would be chaste and the news server would be
unchaste, it's a world of difference.
I know, I'm beginning to regret this now lets hope this thread ends
Ha ha. Um...
It was cancelled before it was sent.As you might know.
Good. And no, I wouldn't know, as a matter of fact.
But the bottom line is: you lied. Yes, we do have different ideas of
"honor", after all.
msd13 said:On 1 Jul 2003 02:50:09 GMT, Blinky the Shark <[email protected]>
Well you know my news server if you want to make a complaint, it's a
pity you didn't recognise your own, though.
but what DC said:How stupid *are* you?
That means, for the reading comprehension impaired, that "I would not
know if you did or did not send your bogus complaint to Verizon."
I don't complain about people who merely lie and/or can't seem to read for
comprehension. The net is too highly populated with them.
I didn't recognize my own *what*? What are you talking about?
On 1 Jul 2003 05:18:03 GMT, Blinky the Shark <[email protected]>
wrote:[bts]That means, for the reading comprehension impaired, that "I would not[bts]Will you be sending a retraction of your
[bts]complaint to Verizon?
[msd] It was cancelled before it was sent.![]()
[bts]know if you did or did not send your bogus complaint to Verizon."[bts]But the bottom line is: you lied. Yes, we do have different ideas of
[bts]"honor", after all.
[msd]]Well you know my news server if you want to make a complaint, it's a
[bts]I don't complain about people who merely lie and/or can't seem to read for
[bts]comprehension. The net is too highly populated with them.
[msd] pity you didn't recognise your own, though.
[bts]I didn't recognize my own *what*? What are you talking about?
[msd]1) Donna posts twice in two separate threads, one has the description
[msd]of a site the other one has the URL.
[msd]Quickly it is implied that Donna is stupid
[msd]2) Someone called "Blinky" removes all trace of instructions on
[msd]potentially correct use of particular e-mail and newsgroup client,
Anne said:First it sounded something like
Was that necessary? She posted the link *one* minute later. In other
words: she made a mistake. Remarks like yours poison this group.
When spammers can't even remember to post the URL, yeah, I guess I consider
that pretty dumb.
Yep. I even hold spammers to high standards. }:O)