If you expect us to read your mind, then you have every right to be
disappointed. Learn how to use newsgroups. Post as if we can't see what
you're doing or know what you're thinking because we can't.
Fair. But my upset is with those that don't understand that some of us come
here with simply the need to be told the solution. If you want to be
critical of any lack of pre-research then at least do a tutorial on how to do
just that. For those that are familiar with newsgroups, and KBs and forum
searches (that are pretty useless) recognize that there are a whole bunch of
us that come here when we're stumpted.
Teach, don't criticize is my only message.
You have a right to ask for more information.
So here's my question: After over three weeks of research and hastle I have
only a couple things to do to recover from a horrible experience with MS XP
Home to Pro upgrade. I've received no help from MS and all the advice has
been to start over from the absolute beginning. Forgive me if I don't have
enough patience after all the BS I've had to deal with.
My problem, quite simply, is that, after re-installing Office and copying
the .pst file in (see, I did do some learning), my contacts don't seem to be
I'm using Office 2003.
Some of the people here and at other vendors forums are very good at just
joining it. Some, unfortunately see things differently
I just want my laptop back after this journey through the "dark place".
I'm sorry if I am tired of trying to figure all this out.