I understand this is a strange question but ....
Our art dept has just finished producing the artwork for next year's
publications (printed brochures and leaflets, technical workbooks, etc)
They mail these out to various people - who are meant to look at them and
give feedback.
Some of the managers are lazy and don't bother to reveiw the artwork and
just send a message back saying - Yeah It's OK.
The art dept have asked me to come up with an IT method of checking if the
managers have looked at the artwork
If you have a better method please let me know - some tips or a website
would be great.
This is my idea
Don't send out the art work by e mail
Send a link to a page (each manager will have thier own page)
something like www.*****.com/name
On this page will be 4 forms - each with only a hidden text box and a submit
The buttons will say somethink like Booklet 1, Booklet 2, etc
These are "submit buttons" so when they click they go to the confirmation
page which has the PDF of the art work.
The hidden text box (= name has looked at booklet 1) will go to an on-line DB.
I will produce access reports to show who looked at each set of artwork
I know - devious - but I think there will be a better method so if you have
done this sort of thing before please help
ISP checks (or Google analitics) or something like that will not work as
some of the people looking at the artwork are sitting next to each otehr in
the same office
Thank you
I understand this is a strange question but ....
Our art dept has just finished producing the artwork for next year's
publications (printed brochures and leaflets, technical workbooks, etc)
They mail these out to various people - who are meant to look at them and
give feedback.
Some of the managers are lazy and don't bother to reveiw the artwork and
just send a message back saying - Yeah It's OK.
The art dept have asked me to come up with an IT method of checking if the
managers have looked at the artwork
If you have a better method please let me know - some tips or a website
would be great.
This is my idea
Don't send out the art work by e mail
Send a link to a page (each manager will have thier own page)
something like www.*****.com/name
On this page will be 4 forms - each with only a hidden text box and a submit
The buttons will say somethink like Booklet 1, Booklet 2, etc
These are "submit buttons" so when they click they go to the confirmation
page which has the PDF of the art work.
The hidden text box (= name has looked at booklet 1) will go to an on-line DB.
I will produce access reports to show who looked at each set of artwork
I know - devious - but I think there will be a better method so if you have
done this sort of thing before please help
ISP checks (or Google analitics) or something like that will not work as
some of the people looking at the artwork are sitting next to each otehr in
the same office
Thank you