Check Disc Won't Run



I would appreciate any feedback as to why I can not get Check Disc to run on
my XP Pro pc. The error message I get every time states that it won't run
due to an unknown error. I regularly defragment it and am very pc savy but
can not figure this one out. I've already run a Windows repair off of my
installation disc as well without success.

I'd appreciate it and thanks.


at the RUN command run "CHKDSK /F" for full
it should say it can't would you like to run it at the nest startup HIT Y
for Yes
reboot. Does it run then?
if yes -good.
If no run the Hard drive utlity for your particular hard drive and check it
for bad sectors. you can get it from the hd company's web page.
I mean if you ran a repair and your software is good look at the Hardware.

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