Yesterday, my eMachine Windows XP was working fine until I turned it off.
This morning, when I rebooted, it suddenly turned blue screen with a
message: "Check disc was scheduled..." It run all 5 steps and then turned
black screen with a cryptic message: "PXE-E61: Media test failure, check
cable. PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent". Checked the cables, all were OK.
Rebooted and Windows was loaded normally.
May someone please tell me what caused this chkdisc session? What was wrong?
How to avoid it in the future?
Your suggestions will be appreciated.
This morning, when I rebooted, it suddenly turned blue screen with a
message: "Check disc was scheduled..." It run all 5 steps and then turned
black screen with a cryptic message: "PXE-E61: Media test failure, check
cable. PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent". Checked the cables, all were OK.
Rebooted and Windows was loaded normally.
May someone please tell me what caused this chkdisc session? What was wrong?
How to avoid it in the future?
Your suggestions will be appreciated.