Check boxes I have inserted in Excel move when I print?



I have created a form in Excel (2002) where one column contains check boxes
to check off when a particular task has been completed. The check boxes are
located in the very last column of my form. The trouble is, whenever I print
or do a print preview, all of the check boxes move to either the first or
second column of my form where I already have other data. How do I get these
to anchor and stay in the last column where I need them to be?

Gord Dibben

Controls move to the left of the worksheet in Microsoft Excel 2002

But Jim Rech recently posted this:

This article is now obsolete. Since the 10/12/2004 security patch
there is no need to get a hotfix (although this article does not directly
mention this fix, it's in there).;en-us;832332

But others have posted that it didn't work for them in all their workbooks.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

On Thu, 22 Jun 2006 06:39:02 -0700, Mechelle C <Mechelle
I have created a form in Excel (2002) where one column contains check boxes
to check off when a particular task has been completed. The check boxes are
located in the very last column of my form. The trouble is, whenever I print
or do a print preview, all of the check boxes move to either the first or
second column of my form where I already have other data. How do I get these
to anchor and stay in the last column where I need them to be?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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