Check boxes and new record button

  • Thread starter Thread starter fossy
  • Start date Start date


hello all,
On my form I have 2 check boxes and a new record button. I need the
user to check one of the boxes for sure (but only one), and if it doesn't the
button will not work...
Can anyone help me with this code

Thanks. Saul.
Write a little Sub to handle the button, and call if from the FormCurrent
event, and the change event of each check box.

Private Sub Form_Current()
Call HandleButton
End Sub

Private Sub Check1_Change()
Call HandleButton
End Sub

Private Sub Check2_Change()
Call HandleButton
End Sub

Private Sub HandleButton()
'Check for both check boxes checked
If Me.Check1 And Me.Check2 Then
Me.ButtonNewRec.Enabled = False

'Check for one or the other
Else If Me.Check1 Or Me.Check2 Then
Me.ButtonNewRec.Enabled = True

'None Checked
Me.ButtonNewRec.Enabled = False
End If

You might need to add null handling... not sure without testing it.


Jack Leach

"I haven''t failed, I''ve found ten thousand ways that don''t work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
Personally, if you want someone to check one, and only one checkbox, I'd
change them to radio buttons and put them inside an option group. Set the
default value of the group to 0, and the value of the buttons to 1 and 2.

Then, set the command buttons enabled property to False

Finally, in the option groups AfterUpdate event, set the enabled property of
the command button to True if the value of the option group <> 0

As an alternative to the Option Group, you could put a little code in the
Click event of each of the checkboxes, similar to the one below. Assuming
the two checkboxes are named check11 and Check13, then this code would ensure
that no more than one of these two checkboxes is checked at a time, and would
enable the command button if either checkbox is checked.

Private Sub Check11_Click()

If Me.Check11 = True Then Me.Check13 = False
Me.Command6.Enabled = Me.Check11 Or Me.Check13

End Sub

Private Sub Check13_Click()

If Me.Check13 = True Then Me.Check11 = False
Me.Command6.Enabled = Me.Check11 Or Me.Check13

End Sub
Jack thanks alot for the help... this is what i did

Private Sub btnNEW_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnNEW_Click

'check for no box checked
If Me.Press_Chk_Partial = False And Me.Press_Chk_Complete = False Then
MsgBox ("Please selecet Partial or Complete")

Exit Sub

'Check for Both
ElseIf Me.Press_Chk_Partial = True And Me.Press_Chk_Complete = True Then
MsgBox ("Please select only one Partial and Complete")
Exit Sub

'Check for one or other
GoTo DoCommand

End If

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnNEW_Click

End Sub