Custom Task Form - I set up a check box to grab a value
from field A and populate field B. Then I manually type
in something to the end of field B. When I put my cursor
in field C, field B resets the value back to field A. How
can I manually type in something to the end of field B and
have it stick?
I am doing something like this:
Dim ins
Dim pgs
Dim pg
Dim prps
Dim ctls
Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal strName)
Set prps = Item.UserProperties
If prps("ShipingSameAsMailing") = True Then
Set ins = Item.GetInspector
Set pgs = ins.ModifiedFormPages
Set pg = pgs("PM")
Set ctls = pg.Controls
ctls("TextBox79").Value = ctls
End If
End Sub
from field A and populate field B. Then I manually type
in something to the end of field B. When I put my cursor
in field C, field B resets the value back to field A. How
can I manually type in something to the end of field B and
have it stick?
I am doing something like this:
Dim ins
Dim pgs
Dim pg
Dim prps
Dim ctls
Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal strName)
Set prps = Item.UserProperties
If prps("ShipingSameAsMailing") = True Then
Set ins = Item.GetInspector
Set pgs = ins.ModifiedFormPages
Set pg = pgs("PM")
Set ctls = pg.Controls
ctls("TextBox79").Value = ctls
End If
End Sub