I have a text box (txtphone) in a user form that a user will enter a phone
number into. The default format of this text box is to be "00-0000-0000". I
want them to be able to tick a check box (chkmobile) if the number is a
mobile number and the format of txtphone is to change to "0000-000-000". If
they then untick chkmobile the format returns to "00-0000-0000". Is this
number into. The default format of this text box is to be "00-0000-0000". I
want them to be able to tick a check box (chkmobile) if the number is a
mobile number and the format of txtphone is to change to "0000-000-000". If
they then untick chkmobile the format returns to "00-0000-0000". Is this