I have a form with check boxes. When I set the check box with codeit works:
If Controls(Ctrl).ControlType = acCheckBox Then
LeftTag = Left(Controls(Ctrl).Tag, 2)
If LeftTag = FFofs Then
Controls(Ctrl).Value = Checked
End If
End If
Ctrl = Ctrl + 1
Loop Until (Ctrl >= MaxCtrl)
When I click on them manually, other code does not detect that the check box
is "checked"
If Controls(Ctrl).ControlType = acCheckBox Then 'this control IS a
check box
If (Controls(Ctrl).Value = Checked) Then 'check box IS checked
WorkTag = Controls(Ctrl).Tag
FFofs = Val(Left(WorkTag, 2))
Qual = Val(Right(WorkTag, 2))
MsgBox ("Name " + FFname(FFofs) + " Qualification -> " + Str(Qual))
End If
End If 'controls...
Ctrl = Ctrl + 1
Loop Until (Ctrl >= MaxCtrl)
Sorry this is so long but I wanted it as clear as possible
If Controls(Ctrl).ControlType = acCheckBox Then
LeftTag = Left(Controls(Ctrl).Tag, 2)
If LeftTag = FFofs Then
Controls(Ctrl).Value = Checked
End If
End If
Ctrl = Ctrl + 1
Loop Until (Ctrl >= MaxCtrl)
When I click on them manually, other code does not detect that the check box
is "checked"
If Controls(Ctrl).ControlType = acCheckBox Then 'this control IS a
check box
If (Controls(Ctrl).Value = Checked) Then 'check box IS checked
WorkTag = Controls(Ctrl).Tag
FFofs = Val(Left(WorkTag, 2))
Qual = Val(Right(WorkTag, 2))
MsgBox ("Name " + FFname(FFofs) + " Qualification -> " + Str(Qual))
End If
End If 'controls...
Ctrl = Ctrl + 1
Loop Until (Ctrl >= MaxCtrl)
Sorry this is so long but I wanted it as clear as possible