Jose Lopes said:
How can I increse a check box size? I find the default size to small
to be noticed in a form with text labels of 28 points font. By the
way, can I define a Yes/No field and use it in a form like a list box
displaying the Yes and No words? Or do i have to create a text field
with a list of "Yes;No" options?
From a previous answer by FredG:
------------------ quote -------------------
You can't make it bigger but you can work around it.
Here's what's needed..
Set your actual CheckBoxName.Visible to No.
Add an unbound label to the form detail section.
Set it's BackStyle to Normal.
BackColor to White
SpecialEffect to Sunken
BorderStyle to Solid
Caption to " " (a space)
Font to WingDings
FontSize to whatever you want (perhaps 14)
Place this label where you wish to see the check mark.
I've named it LabelLargeCheck.
Code the new Label's Click event:
Private Sub LabelLargeCheck_Click()
[CheckBoxName] = Not ([CheckBoxName])
If [CheckBoxName] = -1 Then
LabelLargeCheck.Caption = Chr(252)
LabelLargeCheck.Caption = ""
End If
End Sub
Code the Form Current Event:
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Nz([CheckBoxName],False) Then
LabelLargeCheck.Caption = Chr(252)
LabelLargeCheck.Caption = ""
End If
End Sub
Adjust the height and width of the label so the check mark fits.
If you want a CheckBox field label then just add another unbound label
and set its caption to the CheckBox field name. Leave it Visible.
Don't forget to change the name of the CheckBoxName in this coding to
whatever your Checkbox field is.
That should do it.
Clicking on the new Label is equivalent to clicking on the CheckBox
field itself.
------------------ end quote -------------------