I have a check box that when I check it it gives me an error. The error is:
Error 0() in procedure Trainer_Click. Here is the code:
' Procedure : Trainer_Click
' Author : 3710opr1
' Date : 9/23/2008
' Purpose
Private Sub Trainer_Click()
10 On Error GoTo Err_Trainer_Click
20 If Trainer Then
30 cmdToggle.Enabled = True
40 Else
50 cmdToggle.Enabled = False
60 End If
70 Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, "Trainer_Click()")
80 MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in
procedure Trainer_Click of VBA Document Form_Copy of frm_roster"
End Sub
I get the error if I click on or off. I have another form with the same code
and it works fine.
Thanks for reading this.
Error 0() in procedure Trainer_Click. Here is the code:
' Procedure : Trainer_Click
' Author : 3710opr1
' Date : 9/23/2008
' Purpose
Private Sub Trainer_Click()
10 On Error GoTo Err_Trainer_Click
20 If Trainer Then
30 cmdToggle.Enabled = True
40 Else
50 cmdToggle.Enabled = False
60 End If
70 Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, "Trainer_Click()")
80 MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in
procedure Trainer_Click of VBA Document Form_Copy of frm_roster"
End Sub
I get the error if I click on or off. I have another form with the same code
and it works fine.
Thanks for reading this.