check box control

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Need help.
I have a form called Runtime bookings bound to a runtime
bookings table, on it is a check box called Complete
who's control source is chkComplete.
When I click it I want a macro or event to set the
current date in a field called ACTDAT in a different
table called opdat.

The problem I have is that I need to lookup PSTK WONO &
LINE, that has already been entered on the bookings form,
in the OPDAT table & then set the ACTDAT filed to the
current date in the format of 01/02/04 for example.
ANYONE got any ideas as to the best way of doing this?????

You can make an Update Query to set the value of the ACTDAT field in the
opdat table to Date(). Include the PSTK WONO & LINE fields in the query
definition, and in the criteria put the equivalent of...
[Forms]![Runtime bookings]![PSTK WONO]