Hi Joe,
Please do not post attachments in text newsgroups. They do not
make it into the Usenet archives -- Google Groups. . Nice layout.
But you do not want to use merged cells, borders would work
almost as well.
There are some problems with your method
The formula
should be rewritten as
F5: =IF(AND(ISBLANK(D5),ISBLANK(E5)),"",OFFSET(F5,-1,0)-D5+E5)
Otherwise you will not be able to insert and delete rows without having
lots of problems (i.e. #REF! errors).
The Color Formatting should be done by Conditional Formatting rather
than cell pattern formatting. Otherwise sorting, inserting, deleting will
cause you problems there as well.
Remove all formatting and start over, use borders instead of merged cells.
Select columns A:F with cell A3 as the active cell (due to merged cells)
Format, Conditional Formatting,
Formula 1: is =AND(ROW(}>4,MOD(ROW(),2))
You can obtain free web space at Geocities.com if you want to
store an Excel workbook. It will last only as long as you maintain your
site. But the archives will not pick up attachments at all.
Use normal cell formatting for RED numbers showing negative balances.
One further note the use of Dr(-) and Cr(+) is as printed in most US checkbooks,
are used incorrectly -- unless you really think you should be keeping
records for the bank rather than for yourself. In other words if you
were keeping your own records for yourself Dr(+) Cr(-}. Just keep
this in mind if you ever take an accounting class.
More information on why you should be using OFFSET for your formulas: