Trying to get all my spare parts together to complete a couple PC's for some
folks here and I pretty much have it all covered except some CPU's.
Anyone know where I could get the following CPU's cheaply?
- Tatulin Socket370 CPU's
- Two Socket A CPU's
I can get a new 366Mhz Celeron for $10, but shipping is another 10 and 366
is pretty slow. No idea where one can buy older socket A chips at all.
I'm in Calgary, Canada, so Canadian sources would be better.
folks here and I pretty much have it all covered except some CPU's.
Anyone know where I could get the following CPU's cheaply?
- Tatulin Socket370 CPU's
- Two Socket A CPU's
I can get a new 366Mhz Celeron for $10, but shipping is another 10 and 366
is pretty slow. No idea where one can buy older socket A chips at all.
I'm in Calgary, Canada, so Canadian sources would be better.