Cheap shopping / buying of computer accessories in London

Dec 2, 2007
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Where can I buy cheap computer accessories in London? I can shop online, but delivery fees are more expensive than the goods itself.
Example: I need 2 USB extension cables (£1), VGA extension cable (£2.5), cheap USB keyboard (£4) and cheap USB logitech mouse (£5.5). I can buy it from for this prices,together it is £13, but delivery fee is £15 (because I need to buy from 2 sellers - there is no seller which have all items I need). So, with delivery fee, it is £28. If I try to buy it from Currys or similar computer shop for crowds, it is much more expensive than £28.
My question is if there is some cheap and good shop in London, where can you buy online and collect goods personally.
Don't know about the keyboard and mouse but our local market sells all the rest of the stuff you need and so do the local pound shops .

Abarbarian said:
Don't know about the keyboard and mouse but our local market sells all the rest of the stuff you need and so do the local pound shops.
I know they sell all items I need :) But they have everything much more expensive. For instance, only the VGA extension cable costs £14 in Currys. I'm talking about some shop in London, which have the VGA extension cable for £3 or £4, and all other items reasonable priced, where can I go shopping for similar prices (slightly higher of course) like those in internet shops.
For instance, in Czech Republic, there are cheap online eshops, which have also real shop in some city. You can shop online, and during checkout you tick option to collect goods personally. Is there such eshop/real shop in London?
feckit said:
Nice shop, some really reasonable priced stuff. But, I couln't find any of items I need. Maybe becaouse of missing search system, but it seems to me more that thay just simply don't have it . And, some sections are really strange, for instance section CD/DVD writers lists only _one_ DVD mechanics LiteOn 20x... :)
Try to look here - . You can buy almost anything (for instance even CMOS battery - ), and collect it personally in Prague.

If such a eshop/real shop doesn't exist, I need to buy online in UK, pay delivery fees, and wait 3-5 days than goods is delivered. That's really annoying. In Prague, I could have it the same day for great price...
I live in SE London and as of yet, haven't actually found the type of shop you're after.

It probably exists though, just that I haven't been looking too hard.

Easy solution: nip over to Prague and back ;)
Hm hm, I was looking for such a shop in London really hard, but found nothing... Nevermind, let's buy it online and support mail services :)

It is fair to say that this way you can buy cheaper only cheap computer accessories in Czech Republic. Anything else more expensive than some value (say £50-100) is cheaper to buy in UK, so together it is cheaper in UK :)
feckit said:
Suggest you look @ yoyo
They are based just off Tottenham Court Road IN London!
No USB extension cable 5m
VGA cable 5m - £8.46
USB keyboard
(the cheapest one) £9.67
The cheapest logitech mouse

Together £29.49 without USB extension cables. They have some USB cables 3m for £3.81, so let's say 5m cable could be £4, I need two of them, to If they would have USB cables what I need, it would be £29.49 + 2x£4 = £37.49

This shop is not the one I'm looking for...
Anyway, thank you.

Your a real fussy sod!!!!
I suggest if you cant find anything you want you look on ebay.
No more help from me on this one, You are the weakest link, goodbye.:p
feckit said:
Your a real fussy sod!!!!
I suggest if you cant find anything you want you look on ebay.
No more help from me on this one, You are the weakest link, goodbye.:p
If you don't know such a shop I'm looking for, nobody force you to answer in this thread. Go home and drink some milk :)
feckit said:
I suggest you Foxtrot Oscar.

People are happy to help you & the 3 places i have given are good, just your to fussy!
And as you can see I appreciated your help by saying "thank you". I'm sorry you don't understand my arguments why those shops are not suitable for me and that I really don't want to pay £9 for VGA extension cable. If you like to pay this prices, I'm ok with that.

I'd like to ask you to go away from this thread, you are wasting space here by insulting me.
Yellow card feckit ;)

We are here primarily to help, as well as being an online community.

I think what this guy is looking for doesn't exist but nice try anyway.

xhafan: If you do find somewhere that meets your criteria, be sure to let us know ok? :)
Get an english friend to give you the meaning of this info I gave earlier .

"but our local market sells all the rest of the stuff you need and so do the local pound shops."

Look here for info ,

Heres an extract from the link ,

I am in London, and I have visited most computer shops in the central area. Computer Heaven (behind Tottenham Court Road, across the street from a second hand games store) is the friendliest store, but they are not cheap. In fact, nobody is cheap, unless you are happy shopping online.

The best online shops for components are: (generally the cheapest) (generally the most helpful) (off the wall) (not a bad site, and they sponsor my football team - Fulham, but generally you can find things cheaper elsewhere).

Just had a thought.

Computer Fairs sell parts and leads at online prices.

Often the dealers that attend will operate from a small local retail outlet. You can usually collect a business card giving details from them.

Perhaps you should attend a few computer fairs. There's one at Crystal Palace football ground every other week, I've been there a couple of times.

I also believe there is one just off of Tottenham Court Road every couple of weeks.

You will have to pay an admission fee to the fair though, usually two or three quid.
floppybootstomp said:
Yellow card feckit ;)

We are here primarily to help, as well as being an online community.

I think what this guy is looking for doesn't exist but nice try anyway.

xhafan: If you do find somewhere that meets your criteria, be sure to let us know ok? :)
I believe too that it probably doesn't exist. It's quite strange for me, but I can live with that :)
Anyway, I had to try it on the biggest computer forum in UK :)
Be sure if I find some shop I will let this thread know about it.
Thanks all, lets shop online :)
floppybootstomp said:
Yellow card feckit ;)

We are here primarily to help, as well as being an online community.

I think what this guy is looking for doesn't exist but nice try anyway.

xhafan: If you do find somewhere that meets your criteria, be sure to let us know ok? :)
Point taken, post deleted & thanks for pulling me up on it.:nod:
Finally I bought it from, it was the cheapest I could find.
1x USB keyboard (£3)
2x 5m extension USB cable (£2.80 for both)
1x VGA 5m extension cable (£2.70)
1x logitech mouse USB (£7.60)
Together about £21 including shipping fee. All incl. VAT

thx all
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