I wanted to set up a JBOD in an old PC PIII as a server but I didn't realize
it was a PII. - I want a cheap PC -I have all the components so I want to
replace the motherboard & Chip - is it worth it & RAM (512 ok).
Any Recomendations?
If I start from scratch - I need a full tower for Multiple HD's (how many
can I fit & Power)
How much Power do I need for say 8 sata HD's 400 or 500 watt?
All else can be on Motherboard.
it was a PII. - I want a cheap PC -I have all the components so I want to
replace the motherboard & Chip - is it worth it & RAM (512 ok).
Any Recomendations?
If I start from scratch - I need a full tower for Multiple HD's (how many
can I fit & Power)
How much Power do I need for say 8 sata HD's 400 or 500 watt?
All else can be on Motherboard.