Thanks for the reply!
I came across this one in my search - but I have PATA RAID 0, 1, and
0+1 on my MB (a gigabyte GA-7N400 Pro). I was thinking of PAID 5
because, apparently, it gives you the speed of striping with recovery
info stored on one volume rather than two, like 0+1 but with one less
RAID5 causes a performance hit on writes, but you didn't mention
what level of performance is actually needed. If it's only a
two-stage process, with the source and destination both
compressed, the drive performance may be secondary to CPU
performance, that the drives aren't the bottleneck.
If the HighPoint is a "software" RAID card, it may not fit my needs -
I need to keep the CPU unloaded as much as possible because it's for a
video editing/encoding workstation. I'll have to poke around at the
manufacturer's website some more.
Hardware RAID cards are multiple times more expensive. Some
people find acceptable performance from having source and
destinaton files on two different drives or arrays, not both on
same array. If you're working with uncompressed video then you
might consider a RAID0 for uncompressed files, a temporary
holding area while working on them. If you still needed
redundancy then you could have a second array as RAID1 but would
need a 4th drive.
While I have the attention of the RAID crowd, another question for
you: does RAID 5 require identical drives, ie, from the same
manufacturer, same model, etc? According to a source at work, it
does..... If so, then my previous question is moot; I have 3
different brands..... all 160GB, all 7200RPM, all 2MB cache, similar
latencies, but different manufacturers.
Often I hear people claim drives need be identical but I don't
recall any situations where they actually MUST be identical.
With drives of vastly different size there would be wasted space
on the larger drives but AFAIK, you can use your 3 non-identical
drives. I could be wrong though, ask the manufacturer of any
card you consider.