Bazzer Smith
Looking for a cheap Radeon PCI card, but quite frankly I am baffled
my most of the 'techno blurb' currently my graphics are on board Radeon
200, and I would like to know what would be a 'suitable' dual port/monitor
supporting card would be to switch to. I am not a 'gamer' I just want to use
two or more monitors without spendng a fortune. Obviously I would not want
anything which would produce a noticable degradation in perfromance, however
I don't even know if my onboard graphics is actually doing much work anyway.
(I am not to sure what they actually do anyway.) I am just a general PC
user, does
watching video or watching digital TV on my PC put a 'strain' on the
graphics card,
or would my 8 year old PC with a cheap onboard graphics perfrom just as well
(assuming it had the more powerful CPU, memory etc..of my new machine)?
Be glad if some one could point me to the appropiate model number etc..
(the model numbers are a mystery to me).
my most of the 'techno blurb' currently my graphics are on board Radeon
200, and I would like to know what would be a 'suitable' dual port/monitor
supporting card would be to switch to. I am not a 'gamer' I just want to use
two or more monitors without spendng a fortune. Obviously I would not want
anything which would produce a noticable degradation in perfromance, however
I don't even know if my onboard graphics is actually doing much work anyway.
(I am not to sure what they actually do anyway.) I am just a general PC
user, does
watching video or watching digital TV on my PC put a 'strain' on the
graphics card,
or would my 8 year old PC with a cheap onboard graphics perfrom just as well
(assuming it had the more powerful CPU, memory etc..of my new machine)?
Be glad if some one could point me to the appropiate model number etc..
(the model numbers are a mystery to me).