We are looking for a cheap reliable new pc?
Not sure if to go with novatech or dell?
Budget £500-600 with Monitor.
Going to be used for surfing the net, accounts & using openoffice.
Anything we have missed out that you need to help us?
One of our PCs is a Novatech. It's not switched off very much and has been going strong since 2007 (coming up to it's 5th birthday.) We've not had a moment's trouble with it.
Also, the guys who work at Novatech are extremely helpful - both online (they have a live chat facility, which is useful. They will answer any queries/questions you might have regarding their products.) The service is also good, if you're lucky enough to have one of their stores nearby. We have a store in Cardiff, they couldn't have been more helpful when I purchased a graphics card a while back.
They seem to deliver very promptly - and in my experience, delivery has always taken place exactly as promised. (Computer arrived within 24 hours, also smaller items, such as photo-paper and that kind of thing.)
I admit, I'm a bit of a fan, but I speak as I find, and so far, I've had no grumbles at all with them.
If you are not going to play games, any real games, then try Tesco. Suffice to say, almost any entry lvl PC will do what you ask, just run it by is first.