Cheap Broadband

Jan 14, 2006
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A friend is after a cheap way to connect to the internet via their BT phone line.
They will only be accessing the Internet 1 or 2 days a week and for about 1 hour at a time.
So what is the cheapest broadband i can advise them to get!
Do they have Sky or Orange at the moment, as they both have good offers if they have either of those services (about a fiver a month extra). Otherwise it's probably a toss up between "Pipex Mini" or "PlusNet Option 1" (both £9.99 / month) :

There's only 2GB and 1GB of downloads respectively, so it isn't any good if they do much downloading - but fine for light usage :thumb:

If they want more bandwidth then Be Broadband is probably the best at £14/month as it includes unlimited downloads and wireless router:
Cheers Ian.:thumb:
Think i will advice Ann to go for the Virgin Broadband Size M @ £4.50 a month.
Cant see her ever going over over the unlimited downloads!
Ah, the virgin one means that you have to take out a Virgin phone line contract instead of BT (as far as I'm aware), so although it is the cheapest it might it's worth double checking (although the line rental will probably be cheaper than BT anyway) :thumb:
Just contacted Virgin Media and it seems like it's going to be £14.99 a month just for Broadband.
Could go for dial up 56k but i think BB is better for Ann.
Cheers once again Ian.:thumb: