Chat room

  • Thread starter Thread starter Benny
  • Start date Start date


Hello Experts,

I want to write a chat room using C#. Does anyone in here know any
articles that teaches you how to write a chat room in C#? I tried search
in google, but could not find what I want.

Thanks in advanced,

On your pc there's a sample from the sdk called chat. On my pc it is at:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET

and is probably in a similar place on yours.

It is really a sample for delegates and events but it makes a great basis
for a tcpclient based chat. I used it as the basis for the chat program I
wrote at though it represents only about 1%
of the code for a real chat program.

I have seen others that are web services based chats... another good idea!
It's late and I'm sleepy and really don't want to search all the SDK samples
to find it, but I'm pretty sure that I've seen a web services based chat
example in the SDK samples as well.

Good luck,
