Charts not recognizing source data if original linked data is changed.

  • Thread starter Thread starter JLC
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I am very frustrated by Excel (2003) at the moment. I'm relatively new
to using Excel in depth. I have always been able to work my way through
most intricacies and pitfalls. But now I have been working in a workbook
with linked sheets (and with linked workbooks too) and have two problems
that I cannot solve.

Right now, I have about 47 sheets that are set up as follows:

detail data: this is the raw data the the user enters
daily totals: this is calculated data from the detail sheets
summary sheets: further sums from the daily totals and a chart object
that charts these sums (a line or scatter chart)
(that accounts for 45 of the sheets)
a combined-summary sheet: this includes the data from all summary
an overall summary sheet: is the same as the summary sheets, but takes
totals from the combined-summary sheet

So, first problem: The workbook functions exactly as I want it
to...ONCE. Then, if any data is changed in the detail sheets all the
other data updates, but the charts fail to show any of the source data.
They are completely blank. I have calculations set to automatic. I have
all protections off (though I originally thought this was my problem
because I protected everything but the cells where I want users to
input raw data). I have Update Remote References on, but that shouldn't
matter since it's all one workbook. I even saved the file as a template,
which was always my intention, but when one user tried to plug in his
data, the charts didn't recognize the data. I've tried different chart
types. I've tried re-highlighting the source data. I've tried having
the charts on separate worksheets instead of as objects. Nothing I've
tried has worked. I looked in online Excel help to no avail. I have an
Office 2003 Bible, but can't find any section that discusses this.

Please help. This is so frustrating! This is my last resort before
reporting a bug to Microsoft and waiting for the update...

Second problem: In the same workbook, each chart's source data is units
that have an associated cost. My boss wants me to have the associated
display on the chart when you mouseover each data point. I'm sure I
could figure this out eventually, but don't have time after spending
days on my first problem.

I really appreciate any and all responses. Please show me what I'm
overlooking, so I can feel like a dolt, but a dolt with a functioning

Thanks so much,

Not too sure what the problem is - perhaps you can give us some more
information, like;

Are your charts embedded in the summary sheets, or are they separate chart

What does the chart series formula look like? In one of my worksheets, I
click on a series and see a formula like this =SERIES('KPI
Report.xls'!Act,'KPI Report.xls'!Time_axis,'KPI Report.xls'!Month_Actual,2)

How are the summary sheets calculated? SUMIF formulas? ADO? Pivot Tables?

Do you have one workbook or more? You seem to be saying that you have more
at least one linked workbook - are all workbooks open when you change the

Are you using any VBA code?

Ed Ferrero
As I mentioned, I have this problem if charts are embedded as objects on
the summary sheet OR if they are separate sheets. NOW, I have each chart
as an embedded object in the summary sheet and all source data comes
from a single worksheet.

The series formula looks like this: ='All (summary)'!$C$28:$I$28

Summary sheet (1) cells are simple cell references to (2) single cells
that are also simple cell references to (3) (a) single cells OR (b)
single cells that contain a manual sum formula of cells from another
sheet: ='54th (d)'!F6+'54th (d)'!I6+'54th (d)'!L6+'54th (d)'!O6

I originally had this set up as multiple workbooks and had the same
problem. Now, all data is in one workbook on multiple sheets.

No VBA code is used. (I am just starting to learn VBA and am sure my
workbook would be far more elegant with its help.)

One note: Sometimes, if I change the chart type, the series appears.
This helps in the short term, but can't be maintained long term.

Please let me know if there's any more information needed.

I really appreciate your help.


Thanks for the clarification.

I see that you have () charachters in the sheet names - these should not
cause a problem, but check that you do not have an apostrophe in any sheet
name - that causes BIG headaches with formulas like ='54'th (d)'!F6

Other than that, I can't see what causes the behaviour you describe. Send me
the workbook if all else fails.

Ed Ferrero