Need help in creating 2 charts. Not sure if it’s possible in Excel.
Hopefully I’ll give enough details.
Chart #1
Y-axis: Range is 35 to 5, where the 35 is a minimum value at the botto
of the chart.
X-axis: There are actually three categories, but it is not a Bar Chart
per se.
Category Names(should appear at the top of the chart, not as an axi
label): Baseline, Intervention, and Follow-up (The X-axis should hav
gaps, so each category is separated; there actually should be no axi
The Y-axis represents a score between 5 and 35. The score for th
Baseline is 22 and is supposed to be represented by a “dot”. Score
for Intervention and Follow-up have yet to be determined, but will als
be represented by a “dot”. After all three scores are plotted, the
should be connected with straight lines.
Chart #2
Y-axis: Number of sit-ups per day, where scale is 0 to whatever, sa
X-axis: Similar to the axis above, however, the axis for each categor
should be labeled M, T, W, T, F, S, S, and should have gaps as abov
Hopefully I’ll give enough details.
Chart #1
Y-axis: Range is 35 to 5, where the 35 is a minimum value at the botto
of the chart.
X-axis: There are actually three categories, but it is not a Bar Chart
per se.
Category Names(should appear at the top of the chart, not as an axi
label): Baseline, Intervention, and Follow-up (The X-axis should hav
gaps, so each category is separated; there actually should be no axi
The Y-axis represents a score between 5 and 35. The score for th
Baseline is 22 and is supposed to be represented by a “dot”. Score
for Intervention and Follow-up have yet to be determined, but will als
be represented by a “dot”. After all three scores are plotted, the
should be connected with straight lines.
Chart #2
Y-axis: Number of sit-ups per day, where scale is 0 to whatever, sa
X-axis: Similar to the axis above, however, the axis for each categor
should be labeled M, T, W, T, F, S, S, and should have gaps as abov