Charting two axes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tonya Jennings
  • Start date Start date

Tonya Jennings

Need help charting the following:

Revenue $ on left axis using bar graph
Two Gross Profit % (GAAP and Proforma) on right axis using
line graphs

I can only get one bar and one line graph using the custom

FYI..I will be out of the office tomorrow.

Hi Tonya
1 select the data you want to chart (including axis labels and x axi
2 On the chart wizard, select the type of chart you want and follow th
steps indicated
3 to change a single series from a column to a line, right click on it
select chart type, and then line
4 to change the series to the right hand axis, right click on it
select format data series, choose the Axis tab, and click secondary.
The attached shows an exampl

Attachment filename: linecolumn.xls
Download attachment: