I do hope someone can find a shorter way but here is mine.
Firstly, the name on the tab will not be recognized as text by Excel, so
wee need to get the sheet name into a cell and then extract year, month
A1 (sheet name) =MID(CELL("filename"),FIND("]",CELL("filename"))+1,255)
{works only after file has been save at least once}
B1 (year) =RIGHT(A1,4)
C1 (month) =MID(A1,1,FIND("-",A1)-1)
D1 (day)
E1 (date) =DATE(B1,C1,D1)
I know you could combine B1
1 into E1 but what a mess, and you could
combine A1 into that also!!
F1 (Day of the Week)
=CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(E1),"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat") {I'll let
you type in the full names}
G1 a cell for chart title =F1&CHAR(13)&TEXT(E1,"mmmm dd, yyyy")
Enter some dummy chart name, click on that name, in Formula Bar type =
and the click on G1, you will see ='9-14-2006'!$G$1 if the sheet is named
9-14-2006. On the chart you will have a two lined title Weekname and Date
in format Monthname day, year.
best wishes
Bernard V Liengme
remove caps from email
I have a workbook where every sheet represents a different day. The
of the sheet is the date e.g. 9-14-06. On each sheet is a chart whose
is same date as on the tab, but formatted slightly differently: Thursday
<cr> September 14, 2006.
Is there a way to easily link the two so when I update the tab date, the
chart date changes also?
Bill Halper