I run a report on a weekly basis and would like the values in the chart to be
dynamic, so that I as I up-date the date each week the new data is added and
the data that is the oldest drops off the chart values.
I also need to do the same with the Category (X) axis labels:
Is this possible and if so how do I start
Values. =Sheet1!$AA$62:$AA$133
Category (X) axis labels: =Sheet1!$A$62:$A$133
dynamic, so that I as I up-date the date each week the new data is added and
the data that is the oldest drops off the chart values.
I also need to do the same with the Category (X) axis labels:
Is this possible and if so how do I start
Values. =Sheet1!$AA$62:$AA$133
Category (X) axis labels: =Sheet1!$A$62:$A$133