Chart series split over more than 1 line - dont plot #n/a

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I have a chart series which is based upon cells in more than 1 line, some of the cells in the series have #n/a (using an if to force #n/a if the cell value is zero) in them, i do not wish to plot these values, and the moment these are being plotted as zeros, the chart series source reads as follows


if the series was all on one line the #n/a values arent plotted, but with the series split like this then the #n/a cells are plotted. It seems to be just having the series split like this that plots the zeros

Any ideas
Is your chart an Area type chart? The nice things we say here about NA()
not being plotted in a chart are not true for Area Charts. I just tried
your situation, a discontiguous non collinear set of Y values, and the
NA() interpolated across values in a Line chart but plotted as zero in
an Area chart.

- Jon