I have a chart object on my report and I want to only
retrieve data with a certain date range. Instead of
adding the date parameter into the query where this chart
is reading from, I have a calender macro which I would
like to use instead. This is where the user is able to
select the date range. Any methods to do this?? I've
tried the codes below but doesn't seem to work.
Dim strDate As String
strDate = "[PurchasedDate] Between" & "#" & [Forms]!
[frmPurchasesTable(pop)]![txtStartDate] & "#" & "And"
& "#" & [Forms]![frmPurchasesTable(pop)]![txtEndDate]
& "#"
If Not IsNull(Me!txtStartDate) And Not IsNull(Me!
txtEndDate) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptPurchasesTable", acViewPreview, ,
retrieve data with a certain date range. Instead of
adding the date parameter into the query where this chart
is reading from, I have a calender macro which I would
like to use instead. This is where the user is able to
select the date range. Any methods to do this?? I've
tried the codes below but doesn't seem to work.
Dim strDate As String
strDate = "[PurchasedDate] Between" & "#" & [Forms]!
[frmPurchasesTable(pop)]![txtStartDate] & "#" & "And"
& "#" & [Forms]![frmPurchasesTable(pop)]![txtEndDate]
& "#"
If Not IsNull(Me!txtStartDate) And Not IsNull(Me!
txtEndDate) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptPurchasesTable", acViewPreview, ,