I have a report to write containing a chart. I have never
done a chart before.
However, the report I'm creating is similar to an existing
report and I have copied and pasted that one and am
modifying it.
I'm looking at the properties for the chart (a pie chart)
and I see a very complex SELECT statement in the 'Row
Source' property.
Can someone explain what this select statement is supposed
to do? I would think it would somehow provide the amounts
for the various pie slices.
The chart is in a footer so it prints multiple times at
control breaks.
Here is the SQL:
SELECT IIf([Category]="Priority" Or [Category]="General",
[Category] & " Projects",[Category]) AS ISR_Category, Sum
(tblActivity.Activity_Hours) AS SumOfActivity_Hours
FROM tblInformationServiceRequests LEFT JOIN (tblActivity
LEFT JOIN tblEngineerDepartments ON tblActivity.Engineer =
tblEngineerDepartments.Engineer) ON
tblInformationServiceRequests.Request_Num =
WHERE (((tblActivity.Activity_Date) Between BeginDate()
And EndDate()) AND ((IIf(ISDepartmentSelect()=False,True,
GROUP BY IIf([Category]="Priority" Or [Category]="General",
[Category] & " Projects",[Category]);
done a chart before.
However, the report I'm creating is similar to an existing
report and I have copied and pasted that one and am
modifying it.
I'm looking at the properties for the chart (a pie chart)
and I see a very complex SELECT statement in the 'Row
Source' property.
Can someone explain what this select statement is supposed
to do? I would think it would somehow provide the amounts
for the various pie slices.
The chart is in a footer so it prints multiple times at
control breaks.
Here is the SQL:
SELECT IIf([Category]="Priority" Or [Category]="General",
[Category] & " Projects",[Category]) AS ISR_Category, Sum
(tblActivity.Activity_Hours) AS SumOfActivity_Hours
FROM tblInformationServiceRequests LEFT JOIN (tblActivity
LEFT JOIN tblEngineerDepartments ON tblActivity.Engineer =
tblEngineerDepartments.Engineer) ON
tblInformationServiceRequests.Request_Num =
WHERE (((tblActivity.Activity_Date) Between BeginDate()
And EndDate()) AND ((IIf(ISDepartmentSelect()=False,True,
GROUP BY IIf([Category]="Priority" Or [Category]="General",
[Category] & " Projects",[Category]);