I have the following CrossTab query that works great. I have a chart with the
data source as this query. Even if a user types 1/1/04 - 12/31/04 and the
query shows good data for those dates, my chart labels say Jan 05, Feb 05,
etc. I have the labels formatted to mmm-yy. Any idea why my labels aren't
correct? Thank you.
TRANSFORM Count(NewHireQuery.RegTemp) AS CountOfRegTemp
SELECT NewHireQuery.Code
FROM NewHireQuery
WHERE (((NewHireQuery.GenderDesc) Like '*') AND
((NewHireQuery.EthnicDescription) Like '*') AND
((NewHireQuery.EducationDescription) Like '*') AND ((NewHireQuery.Code) Like
'*') AND ((NewHireQuery.JobTitle) Like '*') AND
((NewHireQuery.LengthCategory) Like '*') AND ((NewHireQuery.GroupDescription)
Like '*') AND ((NewHireQuery.County) Like '*') AND ((NewHireQuery.HireDate)
Between #1/1/2004# And #6/30/2004#))
GROUP BY NewHireQuery.Code
PIVOT Format([HireDate],'mm/yy');
data source as this query. Even if a user types 1/1/04 - 12/31/04 and the
query shows good data for those dates, my chart labels say Jan 05, Feb 05,
etc. I have the labels formatted to mmm-yy. Any idea why my labels aren't
correct? Thank you.
TRANSFORM Count(NewHireQuery.RegTemp) AS CountOfRegTemp
SELECT NewHireQuery.Code
FROM NewHireQuery
WHERE (((NewHireQuery.GenderDesc) Like '*') AND
((NewHireQuery.EthnicDescription) Like '*') AND
((NewHireQuery.EducationDescription) Like '*') AND ((NewHireQuery.Code) Like
'*') AND ((NewHireQuery.JobTitle) Like '*') AND
((NewHireQuery.LengthCategory) Like '*') AND ((NewHireQuery.GroupDescription)
Like '*') AND ((NewHireQuery.County) Like '*') AND ((NewHireQuery.HireDate)
Between #1/1/2004# And #6/30/2004#))
GROUP BY NewHireQuery.Code
PIVOT Format([HireDate],'mm/yy');