Jack Ricci
I know this is off topic, but I don't know where else to turn since my
computer is down and I am using my neighbor's.
I was given a digital camera (2 megapixels). I bought a charger for the
batteries (AA) and they have been charging for six hours now! There are
some red lights that are supposed to go off when charged. Is that too
long? I don't know who else to ask. I am elderly and not too technically
savvy. It is my first digital camera and I am very hesitant. Thank you
for the help.
computer is down and I am using my neighbor's.
I was given a digital camera (2 megapixels). I bought a charger for the
batteries (AA) and they have been charging for six hours now! There are
some red lights that are supposed to go off when charged. Is that too
long? I don't know who else to ask. I am elderly and not too technically
savvy. It is my first digital camera and I am very hesitant. Thank you
for the help.