Character > Supported in host portion of URL?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anbu
  • Start date Start date


In one of the spam mails I received,

"Content-Type: text/html" MIME part has a strange URL
<a href="http://zbu>">

May I know where should I refer to understand the standard according to
which this URL is supported by IE (I'm using IE 6.0)?

I tried typing "http://zbu>" directly into address bar
and it worked (Takes to a pharmacy site). The site seems to be down now
though. The same did not work in Firefox.

Anbu wrote on 4 Apr 2006 01:32:53 -0700:
In one of the spam mails I received,

"Content-Type: text/html" MIME part has a strange URL
<a href="http://zbu>">

May I know where should I refer to understand the standard according to
which this URL is supported by IE (I'm using IE 6.0)?

I tried typing "http://zbu>" directly into address bar
and it worked (Takes to a pharmacy site). The site seems to be down now
though. The same did not work in Firefox.

It "works" in IE because it tries to fix dodgy URLs - it'll actually attempt
to open the address http://zbu> (notice that the > has
been replaced with it's URL encoded version of %3E). FireFox doesn't have
this attempt to fix invalid URLs.

Thanks, Dan !

I am interested in emulating that in code and to my surprise, the
following worked.

host -t a "zbu>"
zbu> has address
host -t a "" has address
host -t a "" has address

I had been wrongly assuming that the host command would accept only
valid domain characters (alphanumeric, - and .)

In Anbu had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Thanks, Dan !

I am interested in emulating that in code and to my surprise, the
following worked.

host -t a "zbu>"
zbu> has address
host -t a "" has address
host -t a "" has address

I had been wrongly assuming that the host command would accept only
valid domain characters (alphanumeric, - and .)


Evil tactic used by SPAMers as of late according to the SC newsgroups.
Basically their parsing engine can't dig past the improperly encoded URL (if
it's not a location is in then an indicator so then this would be a URI?)
and reporting them becomes more difficult.

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"At present I am, as you know, fairly busy, but I propose to devote my
declining years to the composition of a textbook which shall focus the
whole art of detection into one volume." - Sherlock Holmes