Character equivalent of elements in an Enumeration

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I have an enumeration as follows

Public Enum Delimiters
End Enum

How can I return character equivalent of the elements in the enumeration?

Should I write a Function which checks each element and return character
equivalent or is there any other way as well?


You use the enum while you are programming, what is the goal you want to
reach with this enum.

Normally when I need character constants I use character constants instead
of an Enum.

Something like:

Public Notinheritable Class Delimiters

Const Tab As Char = ControlChars.Tab
Const Semicolon As char = ";"c
Const Comma As Char = ","c
Const Space As Char = " "c

Private Sub New()
End Sub

End Class

The "Notinheritable" prevents any one from inheriting from this class, the
"Private Sub New" prevents any one from instantiating this class.

NOTE: I normally put the above in the class where they are needed, not in
their own class...

If I "really" needed/wanted an Enum, I would consider using the AscW code of
the characters then use ChrW to get Characters out. However! I would
seriously consider the above constants first!

Something like:

Public Enum Delimiters

Tab = AscW(ControlChars.Tab)
Semicolon = AscW(";"c)
Comma = AscW(","c)
Space = AscW(" "c)

End enum

Dim ch As Char = ChrW(Delimiters.Tab)

Hope this helps

|I have an enumeration as follows
| Public Enum Delimiters
| Tab
| Semicolon
| Comma
| Space
| End Enum
| How can I return character equivalent of the elements in the enumeration?
| Should I write a Function which checks each element and return character
| equivalent or is there any other way as well?
| Thanks