changing WORKGROUP



I have been working on a app that auto-configures a computer for a certain
network. It works great in 98 and the like but im having trouble with
XP,2k, nt or just nt in general.

I figured out everything except one last part. I need to set the Workgroup
for the computer. I dont want to log into a domain, i just want to set the
Workgroup to "MYWORKGROUP". I could not find a way to do this in the
registry, but have been pointed into the direction of using netdom.exe.

well i downloaded netdom.exe , and couldn't set the workgroup with it. the
microsoft documentation only should how to log onto a domain. I read
somewhere that i might be using the wrong version, so i just downloaded
netdom.exe 1.8, but i am still having the same problem.

Can anyone help me out here? Im pretty much willing to do this using any
method at this point.


Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

d0x said:
I have been working on a app that auto-configures a computer for a certain
network. It works great in 98 and the like but im having trouble with
XP,2k, nt or just nt in general.

I figured out everything except one last part. I need to set the Workgroup
for the computer. I dont want to log into a domain, i just want to set the
Workgroup to "MYWORKGROUP". I could not find a way to do this in the
registry, but have been pointed into the direction of using netdom.exe.

well i downloaded netdom.exe , and couldn't set the workgroup with it. the
microsoft documentation only should how to log onto a domain. I read
somewhere that i might be using the wrong version, so i just downloaded
netdom.exe 1.8, but i am still having the same problem.

Can anyone help me out here? Im pretty much willing to do this using any
method at this point.

I have successfully used Netdom.exe version 1.8 to move the computer
to another workgroup (you cannot use the newer 2.0 version for this).

For more info, see section "Command line, join workgroup" here:

From: Torgeir Bakken
Subject: Re: Join Workgroup then join domain, via WSH?
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.scripting.wsh
Date: 2002-09-09 14:03:29 PST[email protected]

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

d0x said:
I have been working on a app that auto-configures a computer for a certain
network. It works great in 98 and the like but im having trouble with
XP,2k, nt or just nt in general.

I figured out everything except one last part. I need to set the Workgroup
for the computer. I dont want to log into a domain, i just want to set the
Workgroup to "MYWORKGROUP". I could not find a way to do this in the
registry, but have been pointed into the direction of using netdom.exe.

well i downloaded netdom.exe , and couldn't set the workgroup with it. the
microsoft documentation only should how to log onto a domain. I read
somewhere that i might be using the wrong version, so i just downloaded
netdom.exe 1.8, but i am still having the same problem.

Can anyone help me out here? Im pretty much willing to do this using any
method at this point.

I have successfully used Netdom.exe version 1.8 to move the computer
to another workgroup (you cannot use the newer 2.0 version for this).

For more info, see section "Command line, join workgroup" here:

From: Torgeir Bakken
Subject: Re: Join Workgroup then join domain, via WSH?
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.scripting.wsh
Date: 2002-09-09 14:03:29 PST[email protected]



I have successfully used Netdom.exe version 1.8 to move the computer to
another workgroup (you cannot use the newer 2.0 version for this).

For more info, see section "Command line, join workgroup" here:

From: Torgeir Bakken
Subject: Re: Join Workgroup then join domain, via WSH? Newsgroups:
microsoft.public.scripting.wsh Date: 2002-09-09 14:03:29 PST[email protected]

Im looking at the post that you sent, but it dosn't seem to be using
netdom.exe. Also this seems to be setting a domain , not a workgroup. If
you know for sure how to set the workgroup, could you please provide me
with an example.



I have successfully used Netdom.exe version 1.8 to move the computer to
another workgroup (you cannot use the newer 2.0 version for this).

For more info, see section "Command line, join workgroup" here:

From: Torgeir Bakken
Subject: Re: Join Workgroup then join domain, via WSH? Newsgroups:
microsoft.public.scripting.wsh Date: 2002-09-09 14:03:29 PST[email protected]

Im looking at the post that you sent, but it dosn't seem to be using
netdom.exe. Also this seems to be setting a domain , not a workgroup. If
you know for sure how to set the workgroup, could you please provide me
with an example.


my apologies. I missed the part that you were referring to. I looked at
the page, and immediately followed that to technet. for anyone else who
may be looking:

for netdom 1.8 - NOT 2.0
<from the cmd prompt>

thats it.

one more question, but i will post this to the server.scripting group as
that seems more relevant. If i right click on my computer, and go to the
computer name tab. (XP). For Full computer name, it says "SUPERGREG"
(which is what i set it to in the registry). If i use netdom.exe MEMBER
\\SUPERGREG.... that works fine.

BUT, from the command prompt if it type "set", it says that the computer
name is "Me..." which is who the computer is registered to. if i use
netdom.exe MEMBER \\Me..., that also works. Did i botch something up here?


my apologies. I missed the part that you were referring to. I looked at
the page, and immediately followed that to technet. for anyone else who
may be looking:

for netdom 1.8 - NOT 2.0
<from the cmd prompt>

thats it.

one more question, but i will post this to the server.scripting group as
that seems more relevant. If i right click on my computer, and go to the
computer name tab. (XP). For Full computer name, it says "SUPERGREG"
(which is what i set it to in the registry). If i use netdom.exe MEMBER
\\SUPERGREG.... that works fine.

BUT, from the command prompt if it type "set", it says that the computer
name is "Me..." which is who the computer is registered to. if i use
netdom.exe MEMBER \\Me..., that also works. Did i botch something up here?

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