Jeff275 said:
Hey, my computer at my new job says "Welcome Scott" right after you
hit ctrl-alt-del. Obviously I'm not Scott. How can I change this.
Or getting rid of it completely would probably be even better. I've
looked around but I can't find anything.
Shenan said:
Best method? Have your IT staff actually prepare it for you.
Alternative method - format it and make sure none of "Scott's" crap
is left behind.
Good god, does anybody ever actually answer a question helpfully on
Well - given the very little information that you did give - we don't go
around telling people how to change their work computers for very good
First off - that's irresponsible of us to do. While we know how to bypass
certain things on the systems - we know that our customers do not know - nor
have the inclination to. We certainly would not "arm" someone else
purposely to do somehting bad to a work system.
Secondly - users in a work environment usually do not have the rights they
need to do what they are asking. This is also for very fgood reason - not
the least of which is that those computers "are not theirs to do with as
they wish." So we could be wasting the user's time and our own by telling
them to do something they cannot.
The safest and best answer if "work" systems are asked about is to contact
your system administrator and have them fix it. It's a default standard.
Many times you find out afterwards that who you just told to do that is
actually the system administrator (and sometimes - after learning that - you
cringe at the thought of the environment they manage to be honest.)
Now - you say your computer says "Hey Scott" right AFTER you hit
CTRL+ALT+DEL --> I assume that you mean the logon prompt (place where you
type your password) or some "message" before you actually get to the logon
prompt (that you must click OK to) says this - based solely off your
description. I suppose it could be the background image as well at the
logon prompt. I say this because your words are ".. says "Welcome Scott"
right after you hit ctrl-alt-del.." - not "says "Welcome Scott" right after
you logon."
If this is so, then one of these should help - assuming you have the rights
and are supposed to be doing this. It would still be better if the IT staff
actually prepared the machine for you - because wh knows what all they do
there to actually get a machine ready for a user..
Customize the Windows Logon and Security Dialog Title
Change the Logon Screen Wallpaper
Legal Notice Dialog Box Before Logon
As a bonus:
Change the Registered Owner and Organization