changing weekend days

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I am trying to use the networkdays but I need to change the weekend days
from Saturday and Sunday to Thursday and Friday
Here's a VBA solution from Ron Rosenfeld

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel
' ===========================
' Ron Rosenfeld
' Copied form Google's Newsgroup Archives April 27, 2006

Function NWrkDays(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date, _
Optional Holidays As Range = Nothing, _
Optional WeekendDay_1 As Integer = 1, _
Optional WeekendDay_2 As Integer = 7, _
Optional WeekendDay_3 As Integer = 0) As Long
' Sunday = 1; Monday = 2; ... Saturday = 7

'credits to Myrna

Dim i As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim H As Variant
Dim w As Long
Dim SD As Date, ED As Date
Dim DoHolidays As Boolean
Dim NegCount As Boolean

DoHolidays = Not (Holidays Is Nothing)

SD = StartDate: ED = EndDate
If SD > ED Then
SD = EndDate: ED = StartDate
NegCount = True
End If

w = Weekday(SD - 1)
For i = SD To ED
Count = Count + 1
w = (w Mod 7) + 1
Select Case w
Case WeekendDay_1, WeekendDay_2, WeekendDay_3
Count = Count - 1
Case Else
If DoHolidays Then
If IsNumeric(Application.Match(i, Holidays, 0)) Then _
Count = Count - 1
End If
End Select
Next i
If NegCount = True Then Count = -Count
NWrkDays = Count
End Function

Function WrkDay(StartDate As Date, ByVal NumDays As Long, _
Optional Holidays As Range = Nothing, _
Optional WeekendDay_1 As Integer = 1, _
Optional WeekendDay_2 As Integer = 7, _
Optional WeekendDay_3 As Integer = 0) As Date

' Sunday = 1; Monday = 2; ... Saturday = 7

Dim i As Long
Dim TempDate As Date
Dim Stp As Integer
Dim NonWrkDays As Long
Dim temp As Long, SD As Date, ED As Date

Stp = Sgn(NumDays)

'Add NumDays
TempDate = StartDate + NumDays

'Add Non-Workdays

Do While Abs(NumDays) <> temp
SD = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(StartDate + Stp, TempDate)
ED = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(StartDate + Stp, TempDate)

temp = NWrkDays(SD, ED, Holidays, WeekendDay_1, WeekendDay_2, WeekendDay_3)
TempDate = TempDate + NumDays - Stp * (temp)

WrkDay = TempDate
End Function
' ==========================

| Hi
| I am trying to use the networkdays but I need to change the weekend days
| from Saturday and Sunday to Thursday and Friday



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)