I would like to know the proper batch file parameters to use in order to
change my desktop/wallpaper background instantly. As of now my batch fill
reg add hkcu\controlpanel\desktop /v wallpaper /t reg_sz /f /d C:\documents
and settings\<username>\local settings\application
reg add hkcu\controlpanel\desktop /v wallpaperstyle /t reg_sz /f /d 0
reg add hkcu\controlpanel\desktop /v tilewallpaper /t reg_sz /f /d 2
::make the changes effective immediately
windows\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll, updateperusersystemparameters
when i run it, nothing happens. Also the echo in the script tells me that
there are to many parameters in the request.
I feel I'm close but i cant seem to get over the hump.
change my desktop/wallpaper background instantly. As of now my batch fill
reg add hkcu\controlpanel\desktop /v wallpaper /t reg_sz /f /d C:\documents
and settings\<username>\local settings\application
reg add hkcu\controlpanel\desktop /v wallpaperstyle /t reg_sz /f /d 0
reg add hkcu\controlpanel\desktop /v tilewallpaper /t reg_sz /f /d 2
::make the changes effective immediately
windows\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll, updateperusersystemparameters
when i run it, nothing happens. Also the echo in the script tells me that
there are to many parameters in the request.
I feel I'm close but i cant seem to get over the hump.