Changing Username in Registry of Windows XP Professional

  • Thread starter Thread starter Declan Basile
  • Start date Start date

Declan Basile

OK, I know I could change a user's folder in
ion\ProfileList, but where in the registry can I can the
user's username?
You can't. Create a new account with the name the way you want it to appear, then copy the old account to the new one.

Copy a User Profile:

Open System in Control Panel. On the User Profiles tab, and under Profiles stored on this computer, click the user profile you want to copy, and then click Copy To.

In the Copy To dialog box, under Copy profile to, type the location for the new profile, or click Browse to select the path.
Click Change to open the Choose User dialog box, click a new user from the Names list, and then click Add. The new user name will appear in Add Name. Click OK to add the user as a new user profile on your computer.

Note: You must be logged on as an administrator to the local computer to copy user profiles. To open a Control Panel item, click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click the appropriate icon.;en-us;811151
How to Copy User Data to a New User Profile

Note: You cannot copy to/from the account you are actively logged onto.