Is it possible to conditionally change the value of the "Browsable"
attribute at the top of the property constructor at runtime in VC++.net?
For example, I would like to conditionally change the following property
(PartNumber) to display in a property grid. I can control whether it
displays by inserting either Browsable(True) or Browsable(False), but I
would like to do this programmatically based on a condition.
__property String* get_PartNumber()
return _partNumber;
__property void set_PartNumber(String* value)
_partNumber = value;
Is it possible to conditionally change the value of the "Browsable"
attribute at the top of the property constructor at runtime in VC++.net?
For example, I would like to conditionally change the following property
(PartNumber) to display in a property grid. I can control whether it
displays by inserting either Browsable(True) or Browsable(False), but I
would like to do this programmatically based on a condition.
__property String* get_PartNumber()
return _partNumber;
__property void set_PartNumber(String* value)
_partNumber = value;