Greetings Boe,
I'm not sure which function you're referring to, but no, Messenger's ports are set -- here's
quick list:
Basic text messaging/connection to Messenger server: port 1863 or 80 TCP and 443 TCP
File Transfer*: 6891-6900 TCP (this port range is not valid for MSN Messenger 6 clients
sending/receiving to other MSN Messenger 6 clients)
Webcam**/*: 9000-9999 or 80 TCP
Audio*: 5004-65535 UDP
Video Conference (XP only)/Start Camera*: 5004-65535 UDP
Remote Assistance (XP only)*: 3389 TCP
Whiteboard/Application Sharing (XP only)*: 1503 TCP
Launch Site Games**: 80 TCP
* denotes features which can use Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), UPnP file transfer only
available in Windows Messenger 5, MSN Messenger 5 and MSN Messenger 6
** MSN Messenger 6 feature exclusively
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
Associate Expert
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