I want to upgrade my machine (Laptop) but want to keep my settings, data etc as it is. Is there any easyway of doing it.
In fact we were using Norton Ghost earlier to clone / upgrade the hard disk while keeping everything same but as we know that when we put one system hard drive into another XP crashes and we have to reinstall XP on to new machine. So looking for some advices before I put my Samsung Laptop HArd drive in to my New Sony Vaio laptop.
I want to upgrade my machine (Laptop) but want to keep my settings, data etc as it is. Is there any easyway of doing it.
In fact we were using Norton Ghost earlier to clone / upgrade the hard disk while keeping everything same but as we know that when we put one system hard drive into another XP crashes and we have to reinstall XP on to new machine. So looking for some advices before I put my Samsung Laptop HArd drive in to my New Sony Vaio laptop.