I learn something new every day
How about that! Well, I'm not one of these militant "very touch the mouse"
nuts, but if there's a keyboard shortcut for something I do a lot, I'll
definitely use it.
Jim Rech
Excel MVP
|> Ctrl+0 is used to hide columns. Ctrl+Shift-9 or 0 does the unhiding.
| LOL - I learn something new every day - Cheers Jim

| --
| Regards
| Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
| Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission

| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| | > The number of rows and columns in a worksheet is fixed. Hiding rows and
| > columns is good way to confine a user to a smaller range. If you're
| > programming (VBA) you can also use the ScrollArea property to limit
| > scrolling.
| >
| > It's easy to select and hide rows/columns quickly from the keyboard.
| > you want to hide rows after 10:
| >
| > -Select cell A11.
| > -Hold Ctrl & Shift down and hit the down arrow.
| > -Press Ctrl-9 (from the top row of the key board).
| >
| > Ctrl+0 is used to hide columns. Ctrl+Shift-9 or 0 does the unhiding.
| >
| > --
| > Jim Rech
| > Excel MVP
| > | > | By default, a workbook contains more colums and rows than one would
| > | need, how do I ensure that only a specified number fo rows and columns
| > | are visible to the user?
| > |
| > | For now, I try and select all the columns that I dont want and all the
| > | rows that I odnt wnat and then use *hide*.
| > |
| > | Problems are:
| > | 1)Is this the only way to make a worksheet look neat and tidy?
| > | 2)Is there a better way of doing this so that I dont have to select
| > | right until the 65536'th row and the 255th column?If so what is it?
| > |
| > | Thanks so much
| > |
| > |
| > | ---
| > | Message posted
| > |
| >
| >
| ---
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