Changing the "Allow Nulls / Required" property

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim Marsden
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Tim Marsden


How do I change the Allow Nulls / Required property of a Access Table Column
using Code.
I have tried ALTER TABLE using NULL / NOT NULL , but it only seems to work
one way. I can set the required property to true, but not set it to false.

Any suggestions

You can set the Required property of a field to True or False using DAO like
Call SetPropertyDAO(dbEngine(0)(0).TableDefs("MyTable").Fields("MyField"),
"Required", dbBoolean, False)

Function SetPropertyDAO(obj As Object, strPropertyName As String, intType As
Integer, varValue As Variant, Optional strErrMsg As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'Purpose: Set a property for an object, creating if necessary.
'Arguments: obj = the object whose property should be set.
' strPropertyName = the name of the property to set.
' intType = the type of property (needed for creating)
' varValue = the value to set this property to.
' strErrMsg = string to append any error message to.

If HasProperty(obj, strPropertyName) Then
obj.Properties(strPropertyName) = varValue
obj.Properties.Append obj.CreateProperty(strPropertyName, intType,
End If
SetPropertyDAO = True

Exit Function

strErrMsg = strErrMsg & obj.Name & "." & strPropertyName & " not set to
" & varValue & ". Error " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & vbCrLf
Resume ExitHandler
End Function

Public Function HasProperty(obj As Object, strPropName As String) As Boolean
'Purpose: Return true if the object has the property.
Dim varDummy As Variant

On Error Resume Next
varDummy = obj.Properties(strPropName)
HasProperty = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function