Joe Gieder said:
Thanks for the insite. I'll try the approach you laid out here. Would
there be a problem with putting the two subforms Material and
RFQHeaderData onto the Suppliers main form?
That's doable, but more complicated because the form layout doesn't
mirror the hierarchical relationship of the tables (if I've understood
it correctly) and you have to use a trick to get the subforms to link
properly. My understanding is that the tables are related like this:
Suppliers is related one-to-many with RFQHeaderData
RFQHeaderData is related one-to-many with Materials
In other words, for each supplier there could be multiple RFQs (each
being represented by a single record in RFQHeaderData), and for each RFQ
there could be multiple materials related to that RFQ. If this isn't a
correct description of the relationships, then my suggestions are
probably wrong.
What would the advantage
be by putting the Material subform on the RFQHeaeder subform?
With the proper linking fields set in the suform properties, Access
automatically ensures that only related records are shown on the
subform, and automatically inserts values in the linking fields in the
subform from the parent form, for new records, so that the relationship
between the parent and "child" records is maintained. If the records
added to Materials are "child" records to the current RFQHeaderRecord,
this is by far the easiest way to manage it.
What is a continuous form?
A form that shows multiple records on screen at once; rather like a
datasheet only with more layout and format properties to work with.
It sounds like you need to do some reading in the help file about forms
and subforms, and how they work.